
Documentary Collections

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A simple alternative to Documentary Credits that gives you prompt access to goods.

Features and benefits

A cost-effective and secure way to trade internationally

Documentary Collection against Acceptance (D/A) enables you to receive goods before payment

Eliminates the need for credit facilities if no bank finance is required on payment

A simpler alternative to Documentary Credits (DCs)

Manages payment risk for your supplier at minimal cost to you

Gives you access to goods without delay

Suppliers are paid as soon as your account is debited with no hidden interest or payment delays

How it works

Having shipped the goods, your supplier presents the necessary documents, together with their instructions, to their bank. Their bank forwards the documents to your bank for payment. With a Documentary Collection against payment (D/P), import documents are released to you on payment. With a Documentary Collection against acceptance (D/A), the documents are released to you against your promise to pay.

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