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Free email services to accelerate import procedures and give you rapid status updates on your trade transactions.

Features and benefits

Accelerates import and export procedures

Significant savings in document replication and storage costs

Instant email status reports on your transactions with HSBC

Free of charge

Additional information

  • As soon as an import Documentary Credit (DC) is issued, you receive a copy by email, so you can forward it to your supplier and other trade partners
  • As soon as we receive the SWIFT message, an export DC copy is sent to you by email, so you can start export procedures earlier
  • Electronic DCs can be copied into other documents for speed and accuracy
  • Suppliers can start producing goods or collating shipping orders before they receive the original DC
  • Up to five email accounts can simultaneously receive the DC copy
  • Our free DC Safe Custody service will store your original DCs

Five Instant@dvice options

  • Export SWIFT DC and amendment copies
  • Import SWIFT DC and amendment copies
  • Export SWIFT DC, amendment copies and export advices
  • Export SWIFT DC and amendment copies, and import SWIFT DC and amendment copies
  • All of the above

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